PinnedSwagger Implementation -SpringBootOpen-source frameworkSep 1, 2024Sep 1, 2024Get an email whenever Swati Sinha publishes.SubscribeBy signing up, you will create a Medium account if you don’t already have one. Review our Privacy Policy for more information about our privacy practices.Medium sent you an email at to complete your subscription.
PinnedJava StreamsStream says a lot itself by the name of what it does! An interesting feature introduced in Java 8 that simplifies working with data…Aug 31, 2024Aug 31, 2024
Java Multithreading -joinIn Java Multithreading, Let’s understand about join and how to bring into service in our application.Jan 3, 2024Jan 3, 2024
HashMap- store value as an ObjectHmm, what should I write? I thought why not share something which we always refer to in our projects . Sometimes, the HashMap stores the…Sep 16, 2023Sep 16, 2023
Functional Interface & implementing via LambdaLets understand the concept of Functional Interface quickly . This feature is available from JAVA 8 onwards. I have shown how to implement…Aug 28, 2023Aug 28, 2023
Java Multithreading Part 1Java Multithreading is an important concept in Java. Let’s understand the same in a simpler way.Jun 14, 2023Jun 14, 2023